Does Your Home Have Old Wiring Connections? Here Are Ways To Tell

It is crucial to schedule an inspection if you reside in an old house or if it's been a while since you changed your home's electrical connection. One of the major concerns with old wiring is that it is highly prone to short circuits that can eventually cause fire outbreaks. If you're a new homeowner, you may be unable to tell whether your wiring is problematic. If this is the case, several warning indicators can indicate you likely have deteriorating wiring around your home. Keep reading this guide for more details: 

You're Frequently Turning on the Circuit Breaker

A circuit breaker that trips is a common occurrence in many homes. Usually, this happens if you frequently run many appliances from a single source since this creates an overload that eventually causes your circuit breaker to trip. However, your electric wiring may be the culprit if you experience frequent tripping even when you don't have electricity overload. This is also a sign that your electrical panels require an upgrade.

You Notice Scorch Marks on Your Electrical Switch

If you notice scorch marks on the wall sockets, or smoke coming from the receptacles, call an electrician to examine the condition of your electrical wiring. Note that scorch marks indicate that your electrical system is overloaded, which causes excessive currents that create sparks. This problem could also arise from loose or damaged wiring in the power outlet. Thus, if you see smoke wafting from the outlets, switch off your appliances and your home's circuit breaker before calling the specialist.

Your Connection Has Frayed Wires

The wiring within your home can fray for different reasons, including corrosion, age, or screwed nails piercing through them. Animal damage is also a common cause of frayed wires. So, if you have a rat infestation, they may chew on the wiring, and consequently, when two wires touch each other, they can cause short-circuiting. Before an electrician can help you replace the damaged wiring, you should call a professional to deal with the pest problem.

The Lights in Your Home Keep Dimming

During thunderstorms and heavy rains, you may expect the lights in your home to flicker constantly. This can also happen if a tree falls on a nearby power line. Nonetheless, if your lights flicker, and you haven't experienced such issues, consider seeking the expertise of an electrician, as this is a problem you may experience if the wiring in your home is old and needs replacing.

Considering the warning indicators of old wiring highlighted in this guide is prudent as it helps ensure that you don't face serious safety concerns down the road.

Contact a local electrician to learn more. 
